Last chance to register!

To Do List

To make sure you are at your best on the big day, perfectly ready to deal with the crowds and mentally prepared to concentrate on your goal, there is nothing like a little “to do list”.

Here are five ESSENTIALS to stick on your list:

1. Prepare your medical certificate

Your trainers already know all about it and your legs soon will too: you have signed up for a sports event. You therefore need to provide a medical certificate (or a copy of one) on the day you pick up your race bib.

REMEMBER, the certificate must fulfil several criteria:

  • It must mention “no counter indication to taking part in athletics competitions” or “no counter indication to taking part in running competitions” or 'no counter indication to taking part of sport competitions”.
  • It must be dated within one year of the Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris 2019, not before the 14th of April 2019.

To avoid errors, we recommend you use the online template:

You are, however, exempt from providing a medical certificate if you fall within one of the following three categories:

  • You are a Fédération Française d'Athlétisme licensed runner.
  • You are a FSF, FSGT or UFOLEP licenced runner (the licence must include the word “athletics”).

In these cases, bring a copy of your licence to the Village. But remember, the licence must, of course, be valid on the day of the race!


As is the case every year, you can pick up your race number from the Salon du Running. More than 200 exhibitors will come together at our exhibition in a setting completely devoted to running.


Parc des Expositions de la Porte de Versailles
Hall n° 1
75015 PARIS


  • Bus: lignes 39 - 42 - 49 - station Porte de Versailles
  • Subway station: line 12 - Stop station Porte de Versailles
  • Tram: T2 or T3 - Stop: Porte de Versailles

For more information about the exhibition, go to the Salon du Running website


To pick up your race number, you need:

  • Your confirmation of inscription with the QR code (received by email)
  • Your ID
  • Your medical certificate, if it has not been validated by the organisation on your personal account time to or if you didn't download it.


The starting line is located on Avenue des Champs-Élysées.

Consult the start time shedules of the 2019 Shneider Electric Marathon de Paris.

  • starting time handisports (disabled athletes): 8:06 am
  • starting time others: 8:09 am


During a sporting event, not everything always goes to plan. We recommend therefore, that you give some thought to what you might need to be sure that the Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris runs as smoothly as possible.

This Personal Accident Insurance is offered by the organiser's insurer so that you are correctly covered during your participation in the Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris 2019.

It is optional but is strongly recommended.

As you may know, the vast majority of your usual insurance policies (particularly your car insurance, insurance provided automatically through your bank cards, household insurance, bank loan insurance, etc.) totally exclude any participation in sports events either on an amateur or professional basis, and therefore exclude the risks involved in your taking part in the Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris.

It is therefore important that you check the extent of the cover provided by your normal insurance policies (and the exclusions) and, if you are not sufficiently covered or not covered at all, you should consider taking out the proposed insurance policies by clicking on the link below.
This insurance will cover you if you have an accident whilst taking part in the event, whether or not you were responsible and whether or not there is an identified responsible third party. You are only covered during the event from the time you cross the starting line until the time you cross the finishing line or you abandon the event.

In the event of an accident during your participation in the event, it covers:

  • medical costs (within the limits that you have chosen),
  • in the event of death or total or partial permanent disability (due to this accident): the payment of compensation (within the limits that you have chosen)

This cover Individual Accident is optional but highly recommended. It can be taken out in addition to any existing insurance you may already have or if you are not already covered. You may purchase the cover from the insurer of your choice, from your federation or from Aon, organizer’s broker, whose proposal (detailed notice and application form) can be consulted and downloaded by clicking on the link below. You can subscribe to the option providing the minimum cover for this offer during your registration for the event and other options by downloading the relevant form here and sending it directly to Aon (

Cancellation Insurance

Insured : any person who has taken out cancellation insurance with their registration for the Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris 2019 – Bib only (by ticking the corresponding box on the application form)

Purpose of insurance : to reimburse registration fees paid for the Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris 2019 when the insured is forced to withdraw due to :

  • death, accident or illness of the insured;
  • death, accident or serious illness (requiring hospitalization) of the insured's spouse, parent or child in the thirty days before the event;
  • refusal of a visa by the French authorities;
  • theft of identity papers in the 48 hours prior to the start of the race;
  • court summons.

Premium on top of the registration fees : 14 € for marathon registration

Compensation conditions: all requests for compensation must be made via an online declaration directly with the event’s insurance underwriter, no later than 15 days after the event.

This declaration must be accompanied by an official document justifying cancellation of participation and, notably, in the event of an accident or illness, a medical certificate drafted in French, English or Spanish and issued no later than two days following the event. This certificate must explicitly mention the inability to participate in the event.

Your request will be studied within two months of the event and, if justified and covered by the insurance policy, compensation will be paid to you by bank transfer within the following month.
Main exclusions include:

  • illness or accident suffered prior to taking out the insurance;
  • psychological or psychiatric disorders, nervous or mental illness, and their consequences;
  • pregnancy prior to taking out the insurance;
  • deliberate action by the insured.

We recommend that you read the full terms and conditions of the policy contained in the insurer's information notice.

Assuré : toute personne qui a souscrit la garantie Annulation conjointement à son inscription à l’un des Pack du Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris 2019 (en cochant la case correspondante sur le bulletin)

Objet de l’assurance : garantir à l’assuré le remboursement de ses frais d’inscription au Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris 2019 dès lors qu’il a été obligé d’annuler sa participation du fait d’un des événements suivants :
- décès, accident ou maladie du participant assuré,
- décès, accident ou maladie grave (nécessitant une hospitalisation) de son conjoint, d’un ascendant ou descendant du premier degré survenant dans les trente jours précédant la manifestation,
- refus de visa par les autorités françaises,
- vol des papiers d’identité dans les 48 heures précédant le départ,
- convocation devant un tribunal.

Prime à ajouter aux frais d’inscription : 20 €, 22 € ou 37 € euros à ajouter aux frais d’inscription (un seul paiement pour l’ensemble) selon le Pack choisi

Conditions d’indemnisation : toute demande d’indemnisation devra faire l’objet d’une déclaration en ligne directement auprès du courtier de l’épreuve, au plus tard dans les 15 jours qui suivent la manifestation.
Cette déclaration devra être précisée par un document officiel justifiant l’annulation de la participation, et notamment, en cas d’accident ou de maladie, d’un certificat médical rédigé en français, anglais ou espagnol et obtenu au plus tard dans les 2 jours suivant l’épreuve. Ce certificat devra faire mention de manière explicite d’une incapacité à participer à l’épreuve.

Les dossiers seront étudiés dans les deux mois suivants et les indemnités versées dans un délai de trois mois. Les étrangers et personnes souhaitant être remboursés par virement devront y joindre un IBAN.

Principales exclusions : est notamment exclu de la garantie le remboursement des frais motivés par:
• une maladie ou un accident déjà constaté(e) avant la souscription,
• des troubles psychologiques ou psychiatriques, une maladie nerveuse et mentale, …, et leurs conséquences,
• une grossesse antérieure à l’inscription,
• une faute intentionnelle de l’assuré.

Nous vous recommandons de prendre connaissance de l’intégralité des conditions de l’assurance en consultant la notice d’information de l’assureur.


To consult the regulations for the Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris 2019, click here